FileCopy, %UEwordfile%, %UEwordfile%.ahk.bak, 1 ;Create Backup of current wordfile
FileMove, %TemporaryUEwordFile%, %UEwordfile%, 1 ;Replace wordfile with temporary file
; Tell user what has been done
Question = `n`nWould you like to make UltraEdit the Default editor for AutoHotkey scripts (.ahk files)?
If AHKLanguageFound
MsgBox, 4,, The AutoHotkey-Syntax for UltraEdit has been updated in your wordfile:`n`n%UEwordfile%`n`nA backup has been created in the same folder.%Question%
MsgBox, 4,, The AutoHotkey-Syntax for UltraEdit has been added to your wordfile:`n`n%UEwordfile%`n`nA backup has been created in the same folder.%Question%